Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic for decades. We keep hearing this topic brought up again and again. Recently it has been advancing so quickly, sometimes we forget to slow down a bit and reflect on what we are doing.

Even 10 years ago, artificial intelligence was only a fictional idea for most people. It was only, wow wouldn’t it be cool to have robots that did what you asked them to, self-driving cars, self-cleaning broom, robot pets, self-operating houses that cooked dinner and did the laundry. Stories were probably where many of these ideas begin. Take Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein”or Terminator for example.

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Now, the landscape of AI has changed a lot. In 2012, an AI program developed by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever and Geoffrey Hinton from the University of Toronto won the ImageNet competition by being able to accurately recognize 14 random million images. In 2015, AlphaGo developed by Deepmind Technologies was able to beat a Go world champion in a game of Go. Now AI has become useful for just about anything! It was forecasted by Grand View Research that the global AI market was 25.18 billion USD in 2017 and will become 667 billion USD by 2027!

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Even now, in the COVID-19 pandemic, AI researchers are helping Stanford research about their mRNA vaccine against the coronavirus.

So when people hear “artificial intelligence” most automatically think of use cases like the ones mentioned. However, as said by uncle Ben in Spider-Man, “ With great power comes great responsibility”. When it comes to AI, there have been concerns about problems such as bias and privacy concerns and raises questions about ethical AI. Microsoft’s chatbot gone wrong, and twitter’s preview image cropper are two cases of the things that can go wrong with AI.

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At Sprout AI, we want to bring AI to more youth and get them thinking about responsible AI because technology is becoming more and more involved with our everyday lives. In our blogs, we write and discuss different use cases of AI mainly relevant to technology that will impact youth, promote social fairness and help the environment. Through our various events, we teach and empower youth to explore the endless possibilities that AI can do to change the world. The creativity and imagination of youth are always endless, and we can’t wait to see what ideas they envision for our future with AI.

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With AI becoming increasingly popular, it is important for everyone to understand the basic concept and think for themselves on what technology is ethical or not.